I am a writer and educator living and working in T'karonto, the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. I'm Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream) at the Graduate Centre for Academic Communication at the University of Toronto.
I am a scholar of Performance Studies with expertise in student-centred learning and equity-oriented teaching. My research draws on concepts from Performance Studies to to devise strategies to improve graduate students' communication practices.​ I see the classroom as a meeting point of multiple ways of knowing, where students and I share our different knowledges. I was the recipient of a 2022 UTSC Teaching Award from the University of Toronto Scarborough. Check out the teaching page for examples of course outlines and student testimony from my classes.
I am a Co-Investigator on Gatherings: Archival and Oral Histories of Performance, a project supported by a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada. I've also received awards from the Canadian Association for Theatre Research and the Association for Theatre in Higher Education.
My academic writing has been published in SubStance, Performance Research, Theatre Journal, Canadian Theatre Review, and Theatre Research in Canada. My journalistic writing has appeared in the Globe and Mail, the Montreal Gazette, This Magazine, Canadian Dimension, and on my blog, Chez le Piment Rouge.
My plays include Dracula in a Time of Climate Change, The Mysterious Case of the Flying Anarchist, and the collective creation Death Clowns in Guantánamo Bay. Take a look at the performance page for photos and descriptions of the work.
I'm currently working on a book about performance in the deathscapes of the War on Terror.