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For a complete this of publications, please visit my ORCID-iD page. 


Articles and Media

Book Reviews

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Encyclopedia Entries


“Suckle by Dave Cooper” and “Summer of Love” by Debbie Dreschler.” Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Independents and Underground Classics. 3 volumes. Eds. Bart H. Beaty and Stephen Weiner. Salem Press, 2012, pp. 780-784; pp. 785-789.


Book Chapters


“Everything Must Go! The FTAA and the Global Market.” Counter Productive: Quebec City Convergence Surrounding the Summit of the Americas. Ed. David Widgington. Cumulus Press, 2002, pp. 13-21.


Selected Journalism


“ASMRtist: Interviews.” Gatherings, no. 1, 2018.


“Forgotten Stories of War: Michael Greyeyes’s A Soldier’s Tale.The Charlebois Post 19 Feb. 2014.


“Disaster Theatre: Rahul Varma’s Bhopal.” Montreal Serai Dec. 2013.


“Elocution Solution.” The Globe and Mail 17 Aug. 2011.


“Fair Ball and Foul.” Interview with Dave Zirin. Montreal Mirror 16 Sept. 2010.


“Debating Avatar.” With Sam Gindin, Ed Jansen and Ben Powless. Canadian Dimension. Mar. 2010.


“Stomping into Canada.” Interview with George Galloway. Montreal Mirror 11 Nov. 2010.


“Speaking Truth to Warlords.” Interview with Malalai Joya. Montreal Mirror 9 Nov. 2009.


“A ‘Green Fairy’ Tale.” Montreal Gazette 16 Feb. 2009.


“People’s Present.” Interview with Howard Zinn. Montreal Mirror 13 Nov. 2008.


Iron Man: A Techno-Imperialist Fantasy.” (Film Review) Montreal Serai 21:2 (July 2008); reprinted in Monthly Review Zine Aug. 2008.

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